Key Figure Not Added By Bw Generated Analytic View

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Go to the work center Business Analytics and the view Design Key Figures. Search for the required key figure. Click on the magnifying glass icon to open the documentation. It will open a new window when you can check how this key figure is set up. 2456862-Reference Key Figures cannot be seen in Listcube Symptom In transaction 'listcube', Key Figures which are referencing to another one, cannot be added on the 'Field selection for Output' tab.

CDS views provide a very flexible way to create a transient query to run on Analytic Engine. There are some basic rules to follow in data modeling.

Analytics on ABAP CDS View Data Models

The picture below helps to understand the idea behind it:

As CDS query runs on Analytic Engine (in BW, it is called OLAP Engine), the data model should still align with traditional BW assumptions. CDS views just provide a faster, easier, more flexible way to build up such a data model.

Aug 08, 2018 BW Query and Analytic Query of CDS View can be the source of SAC. Live scenario (access directly to S/4HANA) as well as Offline scenario (Data is imported to SAC from S/4HANA), and Analytic Query or BW Query is the main option for Live scenario. See Data Connections in detail. Note: whether Analytic Query or BW Query? Key figures, for which the aggregation is set to No Aggregation, are not supported. Compounding is not supported: There is no attribute in the SAP HANA view, which represents the chained value of an InfoObject with compounding. Date conversion and alpha conversion are not supported. BW hierarchies are only available in SAP HANA views for InfoObjects. Jan 23, 2013  Claudine Lam from Business Analytics Services demonstrates how to create restricted and calculated key figure within SAP Business Explorer (BEx) Query Designer.

The upper part of this picture shows the traditional objects in a typical BW system: To report on a BW system: InfoProivders are built by using Modeling Tool for BW on HANA, or RSA1 for BW on other DBs. Then BW queries are built on these InfoProviders by using Query Designer, either Bex Query Designer or Query Designer in Modeling Tool.

It is similar for a transient query to run on the Analytic Engine in a non-BW system such as S/4HANA. The lower part of the picture shows this: InfoProviders should be built by using CDS views, then CDS queries are built on top of it by using CDS views, but with different annotations. (Note: planning are not supported in customer defined CDS. See Note 2874534)

Key figure not added by bw generated analytic view of data

CDS views are just a new tool to build the data model for Analytic Engine. The only difference is: with traditional tools like RSA1, Query Designer or Modeling Tool, the boundary of different objects are well defined in the tools. The tools guide end users to build a valid model. However, CDS views is much lighter tool with strong capability, by reducing the ETL (Extraction, Transformation, Loading) effort, a data model can be built very conveniently by typing some CDS scripts. But the boundary of the objects are blurred. The explicit restrictions defined in traditional BW tools become implicit rules for users to follow in order to build a valid model. Although there is no terms like 'InfoProvider', 'Query' in the CDS transient objects world, nevertheless users still need to bear this picture in mind while modeling a business scenario. With the concept, you will understand and know: where to define what.

Basic Rules

Here are some implicit rules in data modeling, you may get various error when activate the CDS view if they are broken:

  1. Unions and Joins (including associations) can only be defined in CDS views of InfoProvider layer (with annotation @Analytics.dataCategory:#..). With only one exception: valueHelp association for a CDS query parameter which is not available in the provider view, can be defined in CDS query view.
  2. CDS queries (with annotation @Analytics.query:true) can be extended, but only query elements can be added into the extended view. Additional unions and joins need to be defined in InfoProvider layer.
  3. Some BEX query features are not supported in CDS query yet (such as 'Access Type for Result Values as Master Data'). In this case, instead of define a CDS query, you can define a BW query on the CDS InfoProvider in Modeling Tool to use these OLAP features. Read more.
  4. CDS parameter only supports single value. It is input mandatory. The supported max length of a parameter name is 29.
  5. Filters should be defined in a query CDS view. An InfoProvider CDS view should not contain parameters except for currency conversion. Parameters on InfoProvider level don't support semantics. Cube CDS views with parameters are mapped to HANA-table functions instead of HANA views. This might lead to significant performance impact.
  6. Don't use a BW InfoObject generated data element in a CDS view, always use the basic data element which is directly defined in DDIC (SE11). Generated data element will cause problems in life cycle management. Because generated data element is created when activating the InfoObject. If you use the data element n a CDS view and transport the CDS-view and the newly created InfoObject at the same time, an error is raised in the target system. DDIC objects (that is CDS) are activated before the BW Objects activation. So the generated data element will not be available.
  7. If a join (or an association) is defined on fields with domain using alpha conversion or data type NUMC, it must:
    a) make sure both fields in two tables have exactly the same length
    b) the data in both fields follows the alpha conversion rule: for example, for a char(2) field, there is no '1' stored in this field, it should be stored as '01'.
    Otherwise the data model will run into various issues and get unexpected query results. See Note 2789339.
  8. Association to a Dimension view or text view with parameters is not supported.


  • 2551243 CDS modeling considerations in BW
  • 2874534 Planning on ABAP CDS View



Key Figure Not Added By Bw Generated Analytic View Of Data

Getting Start

CDS reporting needs to define at least 2 CDS views as below:

Key Figure Not Added By Bw Generated Analytic View Of Life

For data stored in cluster tables or other encrypted data, a tool is needed to extract data into a transparent table for embedded reporting.


  • Level up examples: CDS views: HowTo use in BW contexts

InfoProvider CDS Modeling

Here are more details about modeling considerations in different situations:

  • InfoObject (@Analytics.dataCategory: #DIMENSION and measures/key figures)
  • InfoProvider (@Analytics.dataCategory: #CUBE)

CDS Query

ALL_ANALYTIC_VIEW_KEYS describes the key columns of the attribute dimensions in the analytic views accessible to the current user.

Related Views

The keys reference attributes of the attribute dimensions of the analytic view.

  • DBA_ANALYTIC_VIEW_KEYS describes the key columns of the attribute dimensions in all of the analytic views in the database.

    Feb 23, 2017  The only thing wrong with the installation are the transfer speeds. Without OpenVPN 'iperf' reports about 300 mbps download speed. As soon as OpenVPN is involved the speed drops to anywhere between 10 and 70 mbps depending on different mtu/crypto configurations. I've been able to reproduce the issue in a simple adhoc VPN. Server (Debian 8). Generate a static openvpn key. Dec 29, 2014  Speed up OpenVPN and get faster speed over its channel OpenVPN is a well-known VPN client for secure remote access or virtual private networking. If you use OpenVPN and experience a slow speed over its channel, you might be getting annoyed.

  • USER_ANALYTIC_VIEW_KEYS describes the key columns of the attribute dimensions in the analytic views in the current user's schema. This view does not display the OWNER column.

Column Datatype NULL Description




Owner of analytic view




Name of the analytic view



Alias of the attribute dimension in the analytic view



Table alias of the key column




Name of the column for the key



Name of the referenced attribute dimension attribute


Quickbooks license number generator. NUMBER


Order number of the key in the list of keys in the analytic view



The ID of the container where the data originates. Possible values include:

  • 0: This value is used for rows in non-CDBs. This value is not used for CDBs.

  • n: This value is used for rows containing data that originate in the container with container ID n (n = 1 if the row originates in root).


This view is available starting with Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (

Key Figure Not Added By Bw Generated Analytic View Of Science

See Also: